On Change & Capsule Dressing: Minimizing My Wardrobe To Maximize My Life

capsule wardrobe

I don’t like change. As a notoriously routine-oriented person, I am usually pretty reluctant to change. In fact, despite having moved around a lot growing up (hello fellow military brats!) I am often weary of what a new routine will do to my day-to-day rituals. Rather than embrace any changes that come my way I have a tendency to avoid them at all costs, and often dig my heels in and resist until the last possible moment. 

This reluctance is in part responsible for my love of all things structured, simple and consistent.

During moments of change I like to tighten my grip on all things familiar, and navigate new terrain by implementing patterns and routines that I can control.  

      Now, how does this tie into capsule dressing you may be wondering? Well, since relocating to Charleston from NYC I have been faced with countless changes (some self-imposed and others not). While some of these changes have undoubtedly been for the better, a few have been harder to embrace, and have left me feeling slightly out of control. These feelings have not only caused me to dig in deeper to the routines I can maintain (waking up early, working out regularly) but to also look for new routines that I can use to assimilate to my new city and way of life. 

       One such routine is capsule dressing. As was the case when I first began this journey of minimizing my wardrobe to maximize my life, I have found comfort in whittling down my closet even further. I find the process to be freeing in so many ways and I love that it not only clears my closet of clutter, but my mind as well. In the last few weeks since moving I have been busy reworking the few pieces I brought with me, and removing anything that no longer works with my new life. Not only has this process been cathartic, but I have also taken great comfort in knowing that I am shaping my new life the way I want it to be- even if only in small ways for now. Sure it may seem a tad dramatic on the surface, but I truly feel that by eliminating the stress of what to wear I have opened my time and mind to embracing this new chapter in a whole new way. 

       What does this mean for the content here? Well, for starters I will be sharing a post later this week or next of the pieces I have chosen to keep and how I plan to rework them season by season. In the past I have offered glimpses here and there of the pieces I work with, but moving forward I want to be even more transparent and share the entire contents of my closet. My hope is that this will help you get a better feel for how I do more with less. I will list not only the core pieces I wear year-round, seasonally, and occassionally, but also the accessories that I rely on day-to-day.With this transparency in mind, my outfit posts will be taking on a slightly newer format. In each post I will clearly outline the core pieces I am wearing along with the add-ons and seasonal pieces I used to round out the look. 

        Finally, in keeping with the ethos behind my minimized approach to dressing I will also be sharing more lifestyle content including more of the things that bring joy to my life, my kitchen and my home. All-in-all, I am excited for what the future holds and I hope this new direction will help inspire you at least in some small way. After all, life is too short to not live every moment to the fullest.
